Monday, January 20, 2014

Sound and Sense

A Light Exists in Spring
Page 281
Poem Number 214

In this poem, imagery is used to portray the “light” of spring controlling the transition of seasons. “A color stands abroad on solitary fields” (5-6). This line depicts the transition between winter and spring by having the fields be bare while the “light” lay upon them. The “solitary fields” resulted from the unforgiving winter and the “color” standing abroad is a comparison to the arrival of spring.
The emotional tone in this poem provides an abundance of information to the entire meaning. “That science cannot overtake but human nature feels” (7-8). With this line, it is evident that the poem is portraying that spring is something that one has to feel and live through as opposed to dissecting it with science reasoning. The tone is able to express that spring should be recognized with light and suspense as opposed to a dreaded approach.
My interpretation of this poem is that it emphasizes the beauty of spring by making a comparison to light. I think spring is interpreted as holding suspense and value that no other time of the year compares to. Spring is known as a season of things being reborn. At the end of the poem, it says “it passes, and we stay- a quality of loss” which implies that spring is a growing and developing time for the majority of people.

The Lipstick on the Mirror
Page 283-284
Poem Number 217

In this poem, allusions are used to portray the sinister “Wicked Queen” that the poem refers to. The “Wicked Queen” is a reference to Snow White’s antagonist. The phrase “Who is fairest of them all” is also an allusion to Snow White’s plot where the sadistic queen betrayed Snow White because of her personal appearance in the mirror.
Repetition of the phrases “Wicked Queen” and “Mirror” emphasis the main points of this poem. The mirror is used to portray the horrid consequences that can arise from one being overly obsessed with physical appearances. The “Wicked Queen” is repeated to emphasis how horrid one can become after being absorbed in superficial aspects.
My interpretation of this poem is that it reflects on the pressures of society toward physical appearances. “What is the Wicked Queen wearing tonight? Where did she buy her adorable shoes? How large are her sapphires? How are Her pearls?” With the incorporation of these questions, it announces that the pressure amongst this lady is overbearing. I believe that this instance parallels our own society. “Girls throughout the realm would lap it up, gazing in their lesser mirrors…” (6-8). With this line, the poem introduces the envious attitude girls hold for someone who is viewed as having it all. “Were the envy of women half her age, whose compact mirrors would whisper: Crone, you’d seem chiseled of the same Parian, with a milder soap, a better dentifrice”. This poem informs the reader of the way society has built its values with the base being physical appearance.